
Everyone these days has a pinterest account. If you don’t, you live under a rock or you are too busy making the things that other people are pinning. For those of you that live under a rock, pinterest is a website that works as an online pin board of sorts. You can save a link that leads to something you find interesting (such as recipes, hilarious & snarky ecards, hairstyles, clothes, basically ANYTHING) You can categorize your boards to keep your thoughts organized. I love to check out all of the hair and makeup pins for inspiration. I look for things I’d like to try and also to keep a variety of looks on hand for clients that don’t exactly know what they might like.

The very best thing about this is when a client brings in a picture of something they like. This opens the line of communication and helps me understand exactly what they want. Many clients misuse terms like 1. Bob  2.Long Layers  3.Short Layers  4. Stacked. Someone pinned a picture of Jessica Simpson with hair past her shoulders layered to the hilt and the caption said “Love her long bob”. No Ma’am. If this client came to see me and asked for a long bob I would not have given them a cut that looked like Jessica Simpson.

I love seeing things that I don’t know how to do.  This list is long… L.O.N.G. I’m a firm believer in never thinking you are all that. I got news sweetheart, you ain’t, and I ain’t either. The very second you decide you know everything is the moment your creativity dies. To really harness your creativity and put things that float around in your head into fruition (look it up) You must first have the courage to try something new, something you havent done before.

I remember thinking this when I saw a picture of Kim Kardashain (not my fav) looking a lot like an alien from Avatar with caption that said “contouring”. It showed how someone who already looks perfect can look even perfecter with flawless makeup. That’s great for a person that has someone on staff to do their makeup everyday but what about the regular gal? Would this be something that is #1, Doable and #2. Too much work for not enough result. When discussing this topic for the blog we decided to do several posts on our “Pinspirations”. Some were inspired and wanted to try updos we pinned, some wanted to try new methods for coloring, and I wanted to recreate Avatar… I mean Kimye’s weirdly perfect alien/Armenian skin. Here’s the best part. She’s obviously not perfect if someone has to create cheekbones for her. This made me happy, until I realized that I too have no cheek bones. Wamp Wamp.

We were discussing who would be a good candidate for this makeup trial. We thought at first it should be someone who is beautiful with good skin. Immediately Lisa came to mind. We scratched that when we decided she looks pretty without makeup and that wouldn’t be that impressive to make a pretty person with nice cheek bones into a pretty person with nice cheek bones. We needed someone with the potential for homeliness. Someone who looks scary without makeup and normal with makeup and someone without cheek bones. I then realized what had been under my nose the whole time. Me.


My thought process when taking this picture was obviously “Mug Shot”. Tyra would be so disappointed in my inability to “smile with my eyes”. Should I smile with the little eye or the one with the weirdly high eyebrow? Maybe my sunspots could cheese for the camera. Maybe. Under normal circumstances I would never put an especially homely picture of myself on the world-wide web, but in this case it serves a purpose. Remember in the Victoria’s Secret post about hairstylists loving a challenge?? Well here it is.. A CHALLENGE!

This was my (PIN)spiration:



kim   avatar


 Anyhow. Back to the task at hand (and don’t lie, you giggled a little bit at that last picture) First I put some concealer on my entire busted face. This covered all the sunspots, uneven skin tone and any blemish that may take away from a flawless finish. Next I mixed 2 shades of a liquid foundation together. One is about 3 shades darker than my natural skin tone and the other was a perfect match. Then I used a triangle sponge to apply this mixture to my nonexistent cheek bones, around my temples, and along my jaw line. Then, I commenced to blend, blend, blend, blend, blend, and then after that a finished blending.


Look at my eyes now. There is a glimmer of hope. The hope of a new day. The hope of peace on Earth. The hope of cheek bones.

It looks like the cover of a sad novel about a girl with a rare skin disease.

The next part of this process is just as important as the first. Highlighting. This is done with  highlighter stick, a reflecting powder or your very lightest shimmery eye shadow. This is applied to the tops of your cheek bones, under your brow bone, and down the bridge of your nose, like so:


After this step, I applied my eye makeup as usual. Lightest shade on the lid and brow bone, medium shade in the crease and darkest shade lining the lashes and in the crease. A little mascara and all of a sudden, I look alive. I look like someone would trust me to do their hair and maybe even their makeup!


I still have a weird eyebrow The Rock would envy, but I have pulled off the illusion of cheek bones.

Here is another photo, this time with only half of the face done. This kinda puts it in perspective.  Even if you don’t care to do the contouring it still shows how even the shape of your eyes and nose look totally different when you change your skin tone with well placed color and shading.


Cray Cray huh? I hope you found this information useful, if not I hope all you girls with perfect cheek bones take nothing else away from this post but this…

You ain’t all that. 🙂 Until next time boo! xoxo

Keeping “Kept” Worth It!

Ha Ha!  It seems that I have hacked into Alison’s blog zone.  After reading her last post, with much enjoyment I must add, I got to thinking….Hmmm.  Keeping “Kept” is important for any woman not just for their significant other but also for themselves… (Got it Ali!)…but guys this also pertains to YOU!!!!  So in order to give Ali’s “ever witty” tongue a little break, I am going to preach a little lesson on the art of male beauty (oxymoron?  I don’t know…but I’m sure a few of my “PR” friends will let me know).

So we hear it all the time.  “Men age so much better than women.”, “Wrinkles are sexy on men.”, ” When a man grays he looks distinguished.”  Blah blah blah blah… freakin BLAH!  While all this may be true we can still agree that most of the male populus can use a little help.  If he thinks he doesn’t need ANY…chances are he needs a WHOLE lot more than most.  “Humph…men don’t care that much about these things” you may say.  Well ladies….I’d say that 40% of our SALON clientelle is MEN…so do the math.

First off let me say that I understand that everyone prefers different types.  I apologize for any disagreements that may occur after reading my thoughts…this is a blog (riveting I know) not an article from Cosmo written by a bona fide “style guru”…so do with my words what you will.

I think I will make good use of “bulletin points” now in order to put my college education into good use.  See Dad!…money was not wasted! 🙂

  • Lesson 1:  Because it was “Gnarly”, “Rad”, “Hype”, “Sick”, “Fresh”, or “Groovy” back in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, hell early 2000’s…doesn’t mean it is a TIMELESS look.  Ok…HERE! is where some of my dearest friends are going to call me out!  And it is because they love me that I know they will pounce on this opportunity to do a little ball busting.  So go ahead…I’m waiting.  My husband, who I must say is now an “Adonis” (love you baby) had a VERY dirty little hair secret of his own when we met.  He was clinging to a little sliver of hope that his High School days could last forever.  And he didn’t let go easy…so I understand the challenge that may be ahead of us. BUT…in order to keep my lovely marriage in tact…I must digress.  GENTLEMEN!…a fresh shirt along with a classic cut can turn you from Dud to Stud in as little as 30 minutes.  How easy is that?  We are not even asking for six-pack abs…just join us here in 2013 (It will be fun…I promise)  Please refer to the very effective illustration below:

men blog

  • Lesson 2:  Sasquatch is not usually sexy…just saying.  I think this is a case of what’s good for the goose is good for the gander (uh..I’m old).  For those who may need a more direct approach…If we have to shave our legs, pits, and tweeze (not to mention the stress that we are now expected to place on our nether regions)…is it too much to ask for a neat face to kiss?  Now hold on before you close me out…Beard=Good. Beard=Masculine.  Beard=Rugged.  Beard=Relaxed.   But acres of wiry, unkempt, long, somewhat smelly hairs all over the face aint good for NOBODY on the other end.  Let’s take a look at our friends from Duck Dynasty and ZZ Top.

 0f841eaa0fca477e908f89b3ae678908 3d3cb63f72792b36e414ca03e28f0a4f

But “Lisa! These men have beautiful wives and women who don’t seem to mind their facial hair.” you may say.  Yes they do.  They are rock stars.  They make BIG BUCKS to look that way.  Heck…I’m sure they smell delightful!  Just entertain me if you will.  Just playing Devil’s Advocate here.  Let’s compare it to this:


I really don’t need to say anymore.  And if by SOME chance you aren’t sure about this please ask the person to your left…and your right…they’d like to be included on this debate too. (I’m sure)

  • Lesson 3:  The recent phenom (they are everywhere…t-shirts, cups, napkins, key chains).  THE MOUSTACHE!  This one is going to take some “self-study”.  Shapes and sizes,  placement and length, can create a menagerie of different looks.  And as we all know the wrong combo can be very disturbing.  However, I think some top lips need a little protective sweater and the right combo can be quite sexy.  Here are a few reference guides.  You be the judge.

0dcdd469c40c5227bb2c1da51cdc61ff 17f8313b368a2805eebc12a1b54332d2 52e703046bf0dba7e9a6eee8c218ec3b

Ha Ha.  New Kids on the Block!!!  (had to do it!)

       So, to wrap up my long-winded and possibly offensive (sorry guys) rant, I’d like to say this:

                                     Boys, we love you.  Chances are we already think nobody makes us feel the way you do.  We aren’t asking for David Beckham (umm…nevermind) and we know that you have busy lives and other responsibilities too.  We can promise you this…your efforts won’t go unnoticed.  So take off that worn-out shirt, get a nice haircut, take the weed whacker to that face, and go plant a manly kiss on your sweetie.  I bet they won’t have a “headache” tonight!

Until next time!!!  Love one another!  I’m Out!

Keeping “Kept”

As I was flipping through People magazine earlier this week I was inspired by a quote from Drew Barrymore who said (and I’m paraphrasing) That basically she walking around for a month with 1 shaved leg because she just never had time to shave the other. She was referring to the monumental life change of having a baby. If you are a new mother, and old (experienced) mother, a pregnant mother, or need a good laugh at my expense…this post is for you. While this quote was still heavy on my brain I was both humbled and given a fresh sense of normalcy. Even Drew Barrymore is a regular girl. Most Hollywood stars, I would assume, have gaggles of nannies just waiting to take the baby at a moments notice. Drew is just like me! I LOVE that about her. She didn’t do a magazine cover 3 weeks after giving birth in a red bikini with a banner reading  “How I Got My Body Back”. She’s honest. She told millions of people that she only shaved her legs once a month and only got to one of them at best. You single gals are gawking saying to yourself “that will NEVER be me!”. I got news, precious, it will. And, that sweet little angel you can’t wait to snuggle will suck the life from you along with the nutrition they get from you bosom. Promise.

With this all in mind I took advantage of nap time on my day off and decided to take a shower. A real one. Not one where I have to peek out every 3 minutes with a face full of soap to answer a question or fuss at my kid for something. I was going to stay warm for the whole shower without getting the frigid shock of the shower curtain being flung open and my daughter saying ” Hey Mama! Whatchu doin?” Yes, this was it. I would shower and I would wash my entire body with the good body wash. I would exfoliate and moisturize and even (wait for it…) SHAVE.  I would emerge from the steamy shower and get a total rub down with the good lotion I keep put away so that my 2 year old doesn’t squirt half the bottle in the toilet. I would use my face products and twease my eyebrows. This may take the entire nap time but I don’t care. I’m going to be a goddess. And, I gotta tell you, it was fab. Here comes the problem. I come out of the bathroom smelling like Victoria’s Secret and sit next to my husband on the couch who to my dismay exclaims ” You shaved your legs! Oh my!!” He was like a kid on Christmas. I took this opportunity to explain to my understanding husband what he already knows.

Being mother (working or not) leaves NO time for yourself. No time for friends, no time for laying by the pool and to time for exfoliating.

There has to be a solution right? There has to be some kind of handbook to help you maintain some sense of femininity during this life altering experience. Maybe, someone who has been there and done that (me) can give you some helpful hints. I assure you Mama, you will need all the helpful hints you can get.

I felt sorry for my husband. As understanding as he was about all things to do with baby, I was still his wife. If he is a real winner, you are still smoking hot to him. Take some time to keep yourself up. This sounds like something my grandmother would say but, it’s true. It’s important for you to teach your daughter the importance of maintaining yourself, it’s important fo you husband to feel like you maintain yourself for him and most of all you will feel SO much better about yourself if you can squeeze in some time to primp, however minimal it may be.

First, let’s discuss showering. It might not happen at all some days. I remember feeling like if I brushed my teeth and my kid was still alive, then I should be nominated for mother of the year. It’s ok to let your sweet angel cry for 10 minutes so you can shower. Put him in the bouncy seat, strip down and let Calgon take you away. So called “old mamas” know this, but you new mamas might not feel good about this but, I PROMISE after screaming for a few minutes you baby will take the best snooze. Do it. Shower. Use the good bodywash, exfoliate, and even SHAVE. You will definitely not feel good about any sharp objects coming near your hoohah so stick to the legs and underarms. Everything else is off limits anyway. Don’t increase the temptation.

Onto hair. Everyone knows that if you hair is long enough to be pulled up into a ponyatil during this time, that’s exactly where its going. Learn how to do a super cute pony. With a little backcombing and maybe even some shine spray you can look like a peppy little cheerleader. If that’s not your thing, you will look like a mama with some style. Either way, you won’t look homeless anymore. Try a look like this:

pony2 pony

It’s super cute, looks clean and put together. It serves it’s purpose by keeping your hair out of your face and if you are one of the mamas that loses her hair, it will keep it out of your baby’s mouth and from covering your house like blanket of freshly fallen snow.

Once you have managed to keep your hair out of your face in a slightly more presentable way, next lets move on to your face. Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize. Your skin will be like the Sahara. Not a drop of moisture in sight and the forecast aint good for conditions to change anytime soon. Babies suck the life out of you and this includes any ounce of luster your skin once had. Once your skin resembles human skin and less like some sort of reptile, it’s time for some makeup. Don’t freak. It’s just a tad. Just enough to make you look awake and alive, opposed to the zombie you may actually be when running on 4 hours of broken sleep for the last 3 days.  Under eye conceler can do wonders for you. It will cover the dark circles that you can thank your sweet baby girl for and it will make you look more awake. Dabbing a little of this magic potion under your eyes can take years off and minimize the wear and tear of the past few months. Once you have done that, let’s move onto the rest of your face. If your skin is pretty even you can probably skip this part. If you are like me, then your skin looked better when you were a pubescent 14 year old. The under eye concealer turned into an entire face concealer. Don’t worry, your skin will even out when your horormones aren’t crazy anymore. A little more concealer all over will help cover the blemishes and then a light layer of a sheer powder will seal it all in. All you need now is some contouring. If your face is a little rounder than normal because of pregnancy, don’t worry. With the magic of some bronzer you can sculpt out your non-existent cheek bones once again. Here is a diagram for how to contour


Use your bronzer under your cheek bones, on each side of your nose, and it your temples. This will create the illusion of a thinner, more oval face. In addition to this, and if your screaming child has fallen asleep by now, put a little of your lightest shade of eyeshadow on the tops of your cheek bones, inside corner of your eye, down the bridge of your nose and under your brow bone.

makeup2 All that is left now is some mascara and lip gloss and violia! You might not look like your runway ready but you will look rested and approachable and like you don’t live under a bridge. Your friends will be impressed that you have mustered the strength to bathe and your husband will know without a doubt that the girl he married is still there and will soon be back. He will know his girl wants to take care of herself and MOST importantly you will feel so much better. Taking care of another human ain’t no joke. With this look you will appear to have it all under control. You can do it Mama and you are more beautiful now that you could have ever been before. Until next time! xoxo

Do professional products REALLY make a difference?

In the salon, I get this complaint all the time…”My hair looked great when you did it but I couldn’t get it to do that at home” says client X. “Well, what kind of products do you use?” asks superior stylist.  “You know, that new Aussie stuff, I love the way it smells!” says client X. “Excuse me while I bang my head into the wall” exclaims superior stylist. Or, I have clients that ask which over the counter products I recommend. The answer to that question is a resounding NONE. Now, I’m not being sassy about it or catty, but why in the world would I ever try any product sold at the grocery store when I have access to the best products in the world?? I’m not a salesman, I don’t push anything on anyone (except my husband, and I ain’t peddling hair products to him).

Here’s the skinny on Professional Products. You may think that all products are created equal, but alas, this is a complete a total LIE. Lie I tell you, LIE! I have a client in her 80’s with a sassy haircut and she is a spitfire…sassy as can be. She says to me “the only thing I can use on my hair is Prell” Luckily, I hadn’t had lunch or I would have lost it. I mean really, just use bar soap. This client then asks if there is anything I can “recommend” for dry scalp. Why in the great wide world could she have dry scalp?! Maybe, just maybe, it’s because she is using detergent on her beautiful, shimmery white hair. THIS IS A TRAVESTY! I feel it is my job to finally put this to rest!

Here it is folks. Plain and simple. Get your pencils ready, there will be a pop quiz after the lecture. The most important job of shampoo is to clean. For this you need a surfactant, fancy word for cleansing agent. There are 3 main surfactants in most shampoos and their names are very similar. This is a situation when spelling counts, and you’ll see why.

1. Ammonium Laurel Sulfate

2. Sodium Laurel Sulfate

3. Sodium Laureth Sulfate

See now why the spelling is important? The three surfactants look very similar and all contain some of the same words. How can there be that much difference? Here’s how, and this is true of every single product you can buy…MONEY. The cost of each of these products is different. The most expensive of these is the Sodium LAURETH Sulfate and it is also the best for your hair. It’s a very gentle cleansing agent. Gentle equals easy on your color and that’s what you spend your money on!! Would you go to a fancy restaurant and order the hamburger steak? Why would you spend good money to get a beautiful color from an experience stylist to then strip it all away with cheap products?
These are the ingredient lists from both Pantene and Herbal Essence:


Now, we will discuss the villan of the three. One of these is not like the others… the evil Ammonium Laurel Sulfate. It is the cheapest the make and obviously the savings is passed on to you. If you pay $1.99 for a bottle of shampoo, do you really think that it is the best for your hair? If a steak is marked down to $1.99 so you really think its fit to eat? *I must be hungry, The food references have gotten out of hand. I promise, last one. If you choose to use the product that costs 3 bucks, don’t blame me when your hair turns brassy 3 weeks after I spent 2 hours custom designing a look specifically for you. It blows my mind. So, if the real issue is COST let’s evaluate the cost. I bought an 8 oz bottle of professional shampoo in October. That shampoo just ran out and it is February. That is 5 months. FIVE FREAKING MONTHS. How many bottles of Prell have been purchased in 5 months? Now, class, we will move on to math.  If Prell costs $3.oo and you buy one bottle a month thats $15.00 total. For five months of shampoo I paid the same amount. Why would you pick a bad thing that costs the same as a good thing?

The other difference that goes hand in hand with COST is CONCENTRATION. Salon shampoos and conditioners are concentrated. They last forever. What’s the difference is paying 3 bucks a month and $15 every 5 months? What most people don’t realize is that WalMart has your favorite scent of Herbal Essence on rollback and you don’t spend a penny less than you would if you had bought what I told you to buy to begin with. WalMart has money to gain, I have reputation to gain.

At the end of the day, you go to an experienced stylist at a nice salon. You pay a nice chunk of money every 4-6 weeks for this expertise. I know what I’m talking about. I went to school for a year and apprenticed for another year before I touched a client. I have seen every head of hair there is . I have worked at some nice salons and I’ve worked at a crappy one. I know what I’m talking about. You pay me because you know this. Why wouldn’t you trust my reccomendation? I’m not out to take all your money. I’m lucky enough to get to do a job that I love and you are my walking billboard. I’m counting on you to represent me to all your friends and family. I have your best interest at heart. I want you to look good all the time because that means I look good all the time. I’m your stylist, I know more about you than some of your family. I am a professional. I know my job. If I reccomend something, just hear me out. It’s because I see your hair as a work of art. You are my Mona Lisa, now don’t go and spray windex on it. Take care faithful followers, and until next time boo, xoxo:)